Published Work By Scott Lownsdale

  1. QPASS (see The 10-minute self-report instrument measuring depression, anxiety and anger and other psychological constructs used by mental health care providers in the United States and over five other countries..
  2. The Development and Validity of the Psychological Symptoms Scan (2001, ProQuest, UMI Dissertation Services). Doctoral dissertation (476 pp). Available from UMI at their current cost or from Scott Lownsdale for $25 per copy.
  3. Faith Development Across the Life Span (Journal of Psychology & Theology, 1997, 25, 1, 49-63). Awarded a 1997 Templeton prize in “Religion and Human Behavioral Sciences” category. Bruce Narramore described this article as “A significant contribution to the integrative task [with] major ramifications for all psychological theorizing and especially for integrative research, theory, and practice” (J. of Psychology and Theology, 1997, 25, 1, p. 9). Reprints available for $5 from Biola or upon request from Scott Lownsdale.
  4. Concurrent Validation of Hutt’s Bender-Gestalt Screening Method for Schizophrenia, Depression, and Brain Damage (Journal of Personality Assessment, 1989, 53, 4, 832-835). Presents the results of masters’ thesis research in testing the validity of the Bender Gestalt test in screening for various psychological conditions in hospitalized psychiatric patients in St. Louis, MO.